We are a grassroots movement comprising people from all walks of life who are, or will be affected by the government’s austerity measures and spending cuts to NHS Services across England. We also strongly oppose the creeping privatisation of the NHS by successive governments. Privatisation = Profit not Good Patient Care
(N.B. This site is not currently being regularly updated. )
To be put on the SSONHS mailing list or for any other queries please email teamssonhs@gmail.com
The government's increasingly desperate attempts to defend their record on the NHS have become less and less credible over the last year. This is partly due to increasingly effective local and national campaigns and partly to the crisis in hospitals, primary care and social care has forced more and more of those involved to speak out against the damage being caused by austerity. But many of those who are being damaged have no voice. Poor people, disabled people and the chronically ill have fewer opportunities to make their case as their benefit and treatment rights become eroded. NHS staff are generally gagged in one way or another. Exit can be the only escape leaving the NHS still weaker and now less and less able to recruit staff from overseas.
Large national demonstrations and industrial action by junior doctors, nurses and others have made the strength of feeling around the country quite clear, to the extent that even the Conservatives have got worried enough to promise the outlines of a new financial deal this summer. But will it be too late? Certainly it will be insufficient to undo the damage inflicted since 2010. Meanwhile the stress on services which affect the need for healthcare becomes more and more acute. The unspupported costs of Social Care (which is subject to means tested charges) is driving local authorities to bankruptcy.
Another threat is the developing reorganisation into Integrated Care Systems (previously known as Accountable Care Systems) which threaten to become Accountable Care Organisations. In our local area the Integrated Care System covers Barnsley, Rotherham, Doncaster and Bassetlaw as well as Sheffield. (See posts below.) Increasing pressure from campaigners and within the Labour Party is deterring local councils to sign up to these in case they become vehicles for further cuts and privatisation.
Across South Yorkshire resistance is building to the threatened implications of the ICS for local services and South Yorkshire Save Our NHS have formed a political party to stand in the Sheffield City Region Mayoral election on May 3rd 2018. See also Barnsley Save Our NHS.

Cartoons by Samantha Galbraith @sgalbraith47
For more national information see Health Campaigns Together and Keep Our NHS Public
April 14th 2018 11.45 Regional Demonstration to Save the NHS Leeds
April 25th Soviet Healthcare via Targets: Are Governments Bringing it into the NHS? Roco 2pm or 7pm
April 28th Sheffield Demonstration against proposed closure of the Minor Injuries and Walk-in Centres (see main website for details)
June 27th The NHS is 70 - but what is its life expectancy? Festival of Debate / SSONHS panel discussion and social. Roco 7pm - 11 pm.
June 30th Health Campaigns Together march for the NHS in London See main wesbite for details.
SSONHS planning and information meetings are generally on the first Monday of the month, except for bank holidays. They are usually at 6pm at the United Reform Church. Chapel Walk/Norfolk St S1
To contact us email teamssonhs@gmail.com
In 2016 abnd 2017 we worked with Sheffield Festival of Debate and other colleagues to promote realistic discussion of the issues facing the NHS. On 4th May 2017 we had a lively meeting debating the future of hospitals and in 2016 we mounted an exhibition on NHS privatisation to coincide with a play, A DUTY OF CARE about Labour and the healthcare market. On 22nd November 2016 we held a panel-led debate on the future of the NHS with local NHS leaders, academics and campaigners. We also held a public meeting on 4th July 2016 to celebrate the NHS anniversary, discuss the STPs, the implications for privatisation in South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire and the consequences of the EU referendum result.
In March 2016 we held a successful workshop Taking Back Our NHS
For our questions to 2017 General Election candidates and canvassers about the NHS see our website campaign page
2016 8th-22nd November Exhibition on NHS privatisation How come we didn't know by London photographer Marion Macalpine
Theatre Delicatessen, The Moor
22nd November SSONHS Festival of Debate event Why is the NHS Under so much pressure? How can we save it for future generations?
Speakers included Dr Tim Moorhead, Chair, Sheffield CCG, Kevan Taylor (Sheffield Health and Social Care Trust) and Professor Sarah Salway (University of Sheffield, Public Health) + local campaigners
Taking Back Our NHS SSONHS workshop
Saturday 12th March 2016, 10am - 2pm
Campaigning for GP practices at risk of closure
2nd July Successful SSONHS public meeting addressed by Ray Tallis and speakers from Devonshire Green and Unison.
2nd May SSONHS stall in city centre from 11.30 Come and see us.
The 38 degrees ambulance will also be in Surrey Street at 12pm and conveying the 38 degrees petitions to local Hallam candidates at Wesley Hall in Crookes for 3pm.25th April - March through Sheffield Hallam, with the People's NHS and 38 degrees
28th February 38 degrees petitioning around Sheffield http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/health/local-health/campaigners-take-to-sheffield-streets-in-fight-to-save-nhs-1-7132981
22nd November Leafleting in Sheffield City Centre from 12.00 pm in support of the NHS strikers. For A5 and A4 copies of the leaflet which has more information on it see the Campaigns Page at our website
24th November NHS picket lines from 7am to 11am. Rallies at the Hallamshire and Northern General (Herries Road) at 10 am.
We were proud to support the Jarrow to London march for the NHS, organised by Darlington Mums passing through Sheffield on August Bank Holiday Monday. http://999callfornhs.org.uk/ Thanks to everyone for helping and joining in.
Is our NHS really in crisis? Behind the headlines and soundbites
Panel discussion led by GPs and health experts from the NHS and universities.
For past activities see our website www.sheffieldsaveournhs.co.uk
Tuesday, 28 April 2015
Is the NHS in crisis? 2) Demand, rationing and charges
We hear a lot about the rising demand on the NHS - to do with demographic changes, more advanced diagnostics, more technological treatment, rising expectations etc. We also hear from people on the front line increasing resentment at what they perceive as abuse - something which leads some NHS workers in the most vulnerable areas such as GP surgeries and emergency medicine openly to canvas the idea of charges (either generic or linked to causal factors such as alcohol). Even more punitively the call to exclude people such as smokers or who are obese from treatment until they change their lifestyle is gathering more adherents.
As with funding crises, fears about demand have a long history. On the first day of the NHS one group of doctors and healthworkers in Birmingham barricaded themselves into their clinic, only to find, when they peeped out, an orderly queue of mothers and babies. But demand was much greater than expected, not just for medicines, but for aids like cottonwool (rationing was still in force). People place their hopes in medicines. There are also the abusers, the careless, the thoughtless and those who think they are entitled to get something back for their taxes, just like people who bump up their insurance claim if they have been paying premiums for years.
Austerity has its own answer to the demographic change. Life expectancies for women aged 65, 75, 85 and 95 all fell in 2012 compared with a year earlier, the first slip in all age groups in nearly two decades. There was also a small drop in life expectancy for men at ages 85 and 95, while longevity for men in the two younger age groups stagnated, according to a Guardian report referring to Public Health England. Although the figures for 2013 did not show any further falls, the life expectancies for men and women aged 85 and 95 failed to recover to 2011 levels, which were the highest to date. This looks like one gift of the Coalition's austerity programme - to manage demand by killing people off earlier especially if they are no longer in the workforce. If the Conservatives are elected they promise to make things worse. Apart from the cuts they also threaten in their manifesto impose benefit sanctions on people who won't accept recommended medical treatment.
Debates over priority for treatment are complex but nearly all the electoral talk has a victim-blaming edge to it. Rationing by severity of condition and predisposing behaviour are one tack - already introduced by some CCGs. But lifestyle issues are not just down to individual decision. Apart from restrictions on budget (so that the poor always have the poorest choices) health-affecting lifestyle choices are driven by commercial interests - especially the tobacco and alcohol industries, soft drinks manufacturers and the purveyors of fast food. At one stage it looked as if the Tories were actually going to stand up to the brewers, distillers and supermarkets by introducing minimum pricing. But then the public health researchers (principally from the University of Sheffield) who had shown the positive effects of this were frozen out of the Department of Health which set up meeting after meeting with the manufacturers. We also know that poverty and austerity ensure that the proportion of junk food consumed is much greater. One million people are using food banks but the only food available there is prepacked or processed with healthy options restricted.
We've heard over the last few years that fewer young people are taking addictive drugs and (until vaping got going) smoking. It is very likely that some of this was due to the Healthy Schools movement (eventually partially funded by the Labour government) which grew rapidly from 2006 but was then largely sabotaged by the Coalition's drive towards Academies. There is a huge amount of potential work to be done here but it threatens significant sectors of economic activity with access to powerful lobbyists.
So what about patient charges? Dr Mark Porter from the BMA (an opponent of the Health and Social Care Act and of charging) recently raised the spectre of extended charges (which currently raise about 1% of NHS income). The Coalition has already strengthened hospital charging mechanisms for overseas visitors and migrants (e.g. the new pre-entry charge for temporary migrants) which it was considering extending to primary care. This move was 'deprioritised' before the election. There is apparently intention to undertake an independent Major Projects Authority review into the impacts of charges on vulnerable groups - which could be a foundation for extending charges more widely. If current coalition policies continue, it is quite likely that the issue of potential primary and A & E charges will be put out to further public consultation in the autumn and this could include all NHS services inside and outside hospital as well as those commissioned from outside providers.
There is no doubt that charges totally undermine the basic concept of the NHS as a universal service. All of us will know people who have not taken up prescriptions, particularly for longer periods of treatment, because they cannot afford them, or people on low incomes who have had to cancel even dental checkups because there is no money that week for family food. It was shocking to read recently of the increase in DIY dental kits, including tooth extractors. Would everyone be charged (the £10 per GP visit for example) or would there be a vast range of exemptions? If only selected groups were charged (e.g. people with alcohol problems) who decides whether a charge is appropriate. And what is the difference between an alcohol-related injury and a sports one? How much would it cost to administer a charging system. And how much would it cost in terms of delaying diagnosis and treatment? There is no evidence to suggest that charging would not cause and cost much more than it might save.
Demand needs to be managed but in other ways - and it is possible to rethink the whole way in which people access the NHS. Technology may be part of the answer but making basic advice more available is also important. Meanwhile people are being blamed both for worrying too much about their health and for neglecting worrying symptoms - something for which they could get penalised.
The development of more community based health services is probably one part of the answer. Charges and sanctions are definitely not - another reason to try and ensure the Tories don't get back into power.